Sophia Montgomery

70E9C4FF-4CAB-41B0-87C3-29C6A67383DE - Sophia Montgomery.jpeg

Applied to the following universities Undecided/for Psychology

  • Queen’s University 

  • UC San Diego 

  • UC Los Angelos 

  • UC Berkeley 

  • University of Southern California 

  • Tufts University 

  • Stanford University 

  • Yale University 

  • Harvard University


“Hey everyone! I am Sophia from the NIST class of 2021. I will be attending Harvard University in the fall. Although my current academic interests are in Neuroscience and Physics, I will be going on campus undeclared and excited to explore! School remains my top priority, but my second is competitive sailing. I sail the Laser Radial as part of the Thai national team, and hope to sail for Thailand at the Olympics someday.”


Palis (Fresh) Pisuttisarun


Chanpakuy-gun (PF) Chintakanonda