Narit Trikasemsak

IMG_4856 - Narit Trikasemsak.jpg

Universities applied to:

  • Colby College -- CS

  • Williams College -- CS

  • Pomona College -- CS

  • Bowdoin College -- CS

  • Wesleyan University -- Science in Society

  • University of Richmond -- CS

  • Miami University -- CS

  • Colgate University -- CS

  • University of Toronto -- CS

  • National University of Singapore -- CS with Statistics


“As an applicant, I knew that I enjoyed learning about anything and everything. I wanted a flexible college experience where I'd get to study many different fields and also have the option to dive deeply into topics that I found the most interesting. I do know that I want to major in Computer Science, but I'm also excited to explore! I mainly applied to colleges in the US and Canada. Cost was definitely an important factor during my application process and focused on universities that could provide good financial aid and scholarships. I'm happy to answer any questions about my experience applying to universities in North America so feel free to reach out!”


Nattamon (Tata) Tokaeo


Soroush Saleh