Petra Pongsudhirak

petra - (Petra) Petra Pongsudhirak.jpg

Universities applied to for Chemistry

  • University of Oxford

  • Imperial College London

  • University of Bristol 

  • The University of Manchester

  • University of Bath

  • Yale University

  • Brown University

  • University of Pennsylvania


“Hi! I’m Petra, and I’ll be heading to Oxford to read Chemistry. You might wonder: who wants to do Chemistry at uni!? Well, I once pondered this myself, and here I am today :D

I like to do things I enjoy, and yes, as sad as it may sound, Chemistry is one of my favourite subjects. Some may have an end goal they strive towards, but I’m someone who unfolds my path as I go. Having switched A-Level subjects last minute, I’m rather spontaneous with my academic journey. I have no clue where this degree would lead me, but that’s exactly the fun part – to find out! 

I’m excited to share my experiences with you at this conference and hope that you could take away some helpful insights. Please remember, as daunting as university applications seem, they’re not the end of the world!”


Minseung (Min) Kang


Parat (Em) Chunnananda